sedih pilu suka duka riang tawa. . . ceritera cerita tentang seorang aku dan kamoo kamoo~
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Malah hadis riwayat al-Hassan bin Safwan, Tabrani dan Ibnu As-Sahin dan Salamah menjelaskan lagi kelebihan yang diperoleh wanita yang mengandung, melahir, menyusu dan memelihara anaknya.
Apakah reda hai golongan wanita bahawasanya seorang wanita yang sedang hamil daripada suaminya yang telah menikahi dengan halal (menurut syariat Islam). Allah memberikan pahala kepadanya sebagaimana pahala orang berjihad fisabilillah. Apabila ia berasa sakit untuk melahirkan anaknya, maka ia mendapat pahala yang banyak sekali sehingga manusia tidak mengerti berapa banyaknya pahala itu. Apabila telah lahir lalu disusui anak, bagi ibu itu setiap teguk dari susunya, Allah memberi dia pahala satu kebaikan. Apabila si ibu semalaman tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah memberi pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 orang hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah.
Masya Allah..
Sesungguhnya Allah SWT Maha Pemurah kepada hamba-hambaNya..
Segala Puji bagi Allah kerana diberi peluang untuk bergelar ibu...
Semoga tercatat pahala yang dijanjikan ini dalam catatan amalan-amalan kita. Amin....
1. 2 rakaat wanita hamil lebih baik dari 80 wanita yang tak hamil
2. wanita hamil dapat pahala puasa disiang hari dan pahala ibadat dimalam hari
3. wanita yang bersalin dapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya dapat satu pahala haji.
4. satu titik susu yang disusukan kepada anak itu dikira satu pahala
5. wanita yang memberi susu badan pada anaknya yang menangis, allah beri satu tahun pahala solat dan puasa
6. wanita yang menyusu anaknya sehingga tempoh 2 tahun, maka syurga wajib untuknya
7. seorang ibu yang tidak selesa tidur malam kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 orang hamba
8. seorang ibu yang tidak cukup tidur malam kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan diampunkan seluruh dosanya
9. bila dia hiburkan hati anaknya allah beri 12 tahun pahala
10. apabila seorang wanita membasuh pakaian suaminya maka allah mencatat baginya 1000 kebaikan dan diampunkan 2000 kesalahan dan setiap yang disinari matahari akan memohon ampun baginya dan allah mengangkat 1000 darjat...
Salam untuk semua wanita yang dipanggil ibu, mak, mama, Mummy, umi atau apa sahaja, tidak kira di mana atau siapa pun anda.
Apa pun panggilan, taraf dan martabat seorang wanita bernama ibu amat tinggi.
Pada saya ibu adalah seorang insan yang dianggap lemah tetapi punya jiwa kental, kuat semangat dan sarat dengan sifat-sifat penyayang, prihatin dan sanggup berkorban apa sahaja untuk orang-orang yang mereka kasihi dan sayangi.
Ibu adalah insan yang punya keteguhan hati dan selalu belajar serta menelaah dengan penuh kesedaran dan kelurusan hati.
Mereka juga wanita yang bersabar dan peka pada keadaan keliling serta selalu menjadikan Aishah, Mariam dan Khadijah sebagai contoh dalam meneruskan amanah dan tanggungjawab mengurus rumah tangga serta mencurah setia dan kasih kepada suami tercinta sehingga ke akhir hayat.
Daripada rahim mereka juga lahirnya para lelaki terhormat yang dididik dan diasuh menjadi ketua keluarga dan pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab.
Mereka wanita yang membangunkan rasa kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa berbelah bahagi.
Laksana seekor lebah yang hinggap di atas bunga-bunga yang semerbak harum dan ranting-ranting yang rapuh tetapi teguh, itulah ibaratnya nilai seorang ibu.
Mengambil contoh, ibu Nabi Muhammad SAW, Siti Aminah adalah wanita yang menghadiahkan seorang manusia, seorang pemimpin agung dan Rasul yang mulia kepada seluruh umat manusia di muka bumi ini.
Berapa banyak air mata yang berlinang di pipi seorang wanita, berapa banyak derita di hati seorang ibu tidak mudah difahami oleh seorang anak.
Lantaran air mata, derita dan harapan adalah makanan jiwanya dan hanya dia yang mengerti.
Kata-kata seorang ibu, adalah doa yang mujarab. Tidak perlu ditanya, seorang ibu tahu apa yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya.
Sebagai anak, apakah pula yang terbaik kita berikan kepada seorang ibu? Cukupkah sudah bakti dan pengorbanan yang telah kita lakukan untuk membalas jasa mereka?
Biarpun tidak pernah meminta seorang ibu mengharapkan anak-anak mengenang budi. Menjadi insan soleh dan solehah agar dapat mendoakan kesejahteraannya apabila sudah kembali ke pangkuan Ilahi. Kenang dan hargailah jasa ibu. Luangkan masa untuk bersama mereka mendengar, memahami dan melayani mereka seperti mana mereka memeluk, membelai dan menjaga kita semasa kita kecil dulu.
Mengingatkan diri saya juga anda, jadilah seorang ibu yang bagaikan kupu-kupu, berperawakan indah dipandang, terbang dari satu bunga ke satu bunga dari satu tangkai ke satu tangkai dan dari satu taman ke satu taman.
Buat anak-anak, sama ada yang telah menjadi ibu atau gadis remaja yang sedang belajar menjadi wanita hayati fitrah kita sebagai makhluk istimewa ciptaan Allah SWT.
Kepada wanita yang saya panggil mak, kami anak-anak amat memahami beban perasaan yang ditanggung.
Namun kami bersyukur kerana mak menerima ujian ini dengan sabar dan tabah. Semuanya dugaan yang harus kita tempuh dan kita akan melaluinya bersama-sama.
Sejak lima bulan lalu kami nampak kepenatan mak menjaga kebajikan pak yang semakin uzur.
Tetapi Mak tidak pernah mengeluh. Kekuatan dan semangat pak terletak pada jiwa dan kasih sayang mak yang tidak pernah berganjak walaupun seinci.
Sebagai isteri, kasih dan setia telah terbukti, sebagai ibu, budi dan jasa mak tiada terbalas oleh kami. Terima kasih mak!
Semoga Allah panjangkan usia, sihat tubuh badan untuk kalian berdua terus memenuhi ruang hidup kami semua.
Menutup kata, jadilah seperti seekor lebah yang selalu memakan sesuatu yang baik dan mengeluarkan yang baik juga.
Jika ia jatuh di atas tangkai tidak memecahkannya, apabila menyentuh debunga tidak melukainya tetapi mengeluarkan madu tanpa menyengat malah terus terbang dengan rasa cinta dan hinggap bagaikan tali kasih pada mereka yang mahu disayanginya.
Semoga kita semua menjadi ibu terbaik di hati anak-anak dan isteri solehah di mata dan hati suami.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly
Up, up here we go
Up, up here we go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
Where we go we don't need roads, roads
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
To the stars if you really want it
Got, got a jetpack with your name on it
Above the clouds in the atmosphere, phere
Just say the words and we outta here, outta here
Hold my hand if you feeling scared, scared
We flying up, up outta here
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer,
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go,
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
Baby, we can stay fly like a G6
Shop the streets of Tokyo, get you fly kicks
[ From: ]
Girl you always on my mind, got my head up in the sky
And I'm never looking down feeling priceless, yeah
Where we at, only few have known
Go on the next level, Super Mario
I hope this works out, Cardio
Til' then let's fly, Geronimo
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Nah, I never been in space before
But I never seen a face like yours
You make me feel like I could touch the planets
You want the moon, girl watch me grab it
See I ain't never seen the stars this close
You got me struck by the way you glow
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows, knows, knows
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly
Up, up here we go
Up, up here we go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
Where we go we don't need roads, roads
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
To the stars if you really want it
Got, got a jetpack with your name on it
Above the clouds in the atmosphere, phere
Just say the words and we outta here, outta here
Hold my hand if you feeling scared, scared
We flying up, up outta here
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer,
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go,
Where we stop nobody knows, knows
Baby, we can stay fly like a G6
Shop the streets of Tokyo, get you fly kicks
[ From: ]
Girl you always on my mind, got my head up in the sky
And I'm never looking down feeling priceless, yeah
Where we at, only few have known
Go on the next level, Super Mario
I hope this works out, Cardio
Til' then let's fly, Geronimo
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Nah, I never been in space before
But I never seen a face like yours
You make me feel like I could touch the planets
You want the moon, girl watch me grab it
See I ain't never seen the stars this close
You got me struck by the way you glow
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh
Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows, knows, knows
like a g6~
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6
Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Verse 1
Gimme that Mo-Moet-wet
Gimme that Cry-Crystal-tal
Ladies love my style, at my table gettin wild
Get them bottles poppin, we get that drip and that drop
Now give me 2 more bottles cuz you know it don't stop
(808) Hell Yeaa
Drink it up, drink-drink it up,
When sober girls around me, they be actin like they drunk
They be actin like they drunk, actin-actin like they drunk
When sober girls around me they be actin like they drunk
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6
Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Verse 2
Sippin on, sippin on sizz, Ima ma-make it fizz
Girl I keep it gangsta, poppin bottles at the crib
This is how we live, every single night
Take that bottle to the head, and let me see you fly
(808) Hell Yeaa
Drink it up, drink-drink it up,
When sober girls around me, they be actin like they drunk
They be actin like they drunk, actin-actin like they drunk
When sober girls around me they be actin like they drunk
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6
Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Its that 808 bump, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put put yo, put yo hands up
(You can't Touch this)
Its that 808 bump, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put yo, put yo hands up
(You can't Touch this)
Hell Yeaaa, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put put yo, put yo hands up
Hell Yeaaa, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put yo, put yo hands up
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6
Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6
We can get together
Now I don't usually do this
But I ain't myself tonight
I wanna drink a lil mo, mo
Forget it all, all
And dance till I'm dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)
E-very one must shine together tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight [2x]
I-I-I been partying my whole life
But something feels different tonight
I been buzzin' my whole life
But something bout you buzzin' me right (right)
This is club is goin' crazy
You've got me goin' crazy
This dj's goin crazy
And now I'm elevated
We havin' fun in here
So hands up in the air
We havin fun in here
So get your hands up in the air
Now I don't usually do this (this, this)
But I ain't myself tonight (night, night)
I wanna drink a lil mo (mo)
Forget it all (all)
And dance till I'm dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)
E-very one must shine together tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight [2x]
I-I-I been lovin' my whole life
But somethin' feels different tonight
I been jumpin' my whole life
But you got me jumpin' tonight
This is club is going crazy
You've got me goin' crazy
This dj's goin' crazy
And now I'm elevated
We havin' fun in here
So hands up in the air
We havin' fun in here
So get your hands up in the air (air, air, air...)
Tonight I don't care
We waited all year
Everyone shine
Get yo hands in the air
Tonight I don't care
Get yo-g-g-g-get yo hands in the air
Everyone my shine together tonight [2x]
Tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight......
Now I don't usually do this
But I ain't myself tonight
I wanna drink a lil mo, mo
Forget it all, all
And dance till I'm dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)
E-very one must shine together tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight [2x]
I-I-I been partying my whole life
But something feels different tonight
I been buzzin' my whole life
But something bout you buzzin' me right (right)
This is club is goin' crazy
You've got me goin' crazy
This dj's goin crazy
And now I'm elevated
We havin' fun in here
So hands up in the air
We havin fun in here
So get your hands up in the air
Now I don't usually do this (this, this)
But I ain't myself tonight (night, night)
I wanna drink a lil mo (mo)
Forget it all (all)
And dance till I'm dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)
E-very one must shine together tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight [2x]
I-I-I been lovin' my whole life
But somethin' feels different tonight
I been jumpin' my whole life
But you got me jumpin' tonight
This is club is going crazy
You've got me goin' crazy
This dj's goin' crazy
And now I'm elevated
We havin' fun in here
So hands up in the air
We havin' fun in here
So get your hands up in the air (air, air, air...)
Tonight I don't care
We waited all year
Everyone shine
Get yo hands in the air
Tonight I don't care
Get yo-g-g-g-get yo hands in the air
Everyone my shine together tonight [2x]
Tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight......
she owns the night~
Dancin' like there's no one else in the room,
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else.
Hey girl, (Mo-Mo-Mohombi)
It's not a question if you're sexy,
The only question is,
Watchu know about these stereotypes?
FM, come on.
So innocent you can tell by the clothes,
College girl with a 4.0,
Good girl by day,
Damn, who would have known?
But when the lights go, lights go down,
And she's out on the floor,
The freak comes out and she loses control,
The way she move got me beggin' for more.
She's dancin' like there's no one else in the room,
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Shawty like it when the bass vibrate the speakers,
Her body's hypnotic,
Fella's all wanna meet her,
Can't leave without saying goodbye to you angel face,
Fly me home under your wings baby,
Wings baby,
Wings bay-bay.
We can go back to my crib,
First time I'll blindfold you,
You can't know where I live,
I'm kidding girl,
It's your world I'm livin' in,
Me, I'm just visitin',
Why don't you put on a show for me baby, eh, eh.
She's dancin' like there's no one else in the room,
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
The night is hers,
Make reservations,
To view them curves,
She speaks that body language,
Ain't gotta say a word,
All eyes on her.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else.
Hey girl, (Mo-Mo-Mohombi)
It's not a question if you're sexy,
The only question is,
Watchu know about these stereotypes?
FM, come on.
So innocent you can tell by the clothes,
College girl with a 4.0,
Good girl by day,
Damn, who would have known?
But when the lights go, lights go down,
And she's out on the floor,
The freak comes out and she loses control,
The way she move got me beggin' for more.
She's dancin' like there's no one else in the room,
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Shawty like it when the bass vibrate the speakers,
Her body's hypnotic,
Fella's all wanna meet her,
Can't leave without saying goodbye to you angel face,
Fly me home under your wings baby,
Wings baby,
Wings bay-bay.
We can go back to my crib,
First time I'll blindfold you,
You can't know where I live,
I'm kidding girl,
It's your world I'm livin' in,
Me, I'm just visitin',
Why don't you put on a show for me baby, eh, eh.
She's dancin' like there's no one else in the room,
Try that dance for two,
Cuz after dark it's like she's someone else,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
The night is hers,
Make reservations,
To view them curves,
She speaks that body language,
Ain't gotta say a word,
All eyes on her.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
She owns the night,
I'm talkin' to you...and you.
Ku cuba redakan relung hati
Bayangmu yang berlalu pergi
Terlukis di dalam kenangan
Bebas bermain di hatiku
Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan kau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Bayangmu yang berlalu pergi
Terlukis di dalam kenangan
Bebas bermain di hatiku
Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan kau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku
Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yang ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu
Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yg ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
Apa yang ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
tgah chat ngan somone nw kat fb~
tetibe teringat kisah lalu~
dyew pernah nyanyi laguew nw kat aq~
mase 2 kat tangge~
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yang ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
Hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu
Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yg ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
Apa yang ku rasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
tgah chat ngan somone nw kat fb~
tetibe teringat kisah lalu~
dyew pernah nyanyi laguew nw kat aq~
mase 2 kat tangge~
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